“Stings“ by Ted Hughes
Cold the apple tree tonight,
The crippled alphabet, the basketry
Is infiltrate by starlight
Shorn of the comfort far away
Rheumatoid roots ease their joints.
You wonder if they hurt.
These February nights they have to grow
The air slides an arm under your shirt.
Leafless, the old boughs are haunted
By the harvest they bore--- you feel all
Their blossom still aching, that summer.
The heart beat hard and full
And you, your mind elsewhere,
Cannot lose a second of it
From its place on your watch
Till that first bee touches your hair—
It struggled and tangled and stung
According to the book. You were flung,
a head-shot, away through sunlight shrapnel
As bees planted their volts, their thudding electrodes.
They had the weaponry, the Jihad fury
You ducked under your mushroom,
Your house-bloom, bolted right through your burrow
And out a door, and into a different sunlight
And stood there, clawing out of your hair
Sticky, disemboweled bees,
Where you thought you were safe. Till the whole air
With a shout of tingling shock
Jerked at your hooked scalp---and a bee,
Over the house-top, a blind arrow,
Locked into your hair.
How many followed?
That was new knowledge about bees!
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