
English 205: Syllabus

Page history last edited by Sarah Peterson 16 years, 1 month ago


The Norton Introduction to Poetry (ed. J. Paul Hunter) Ninth Edition

Other materials will be made available on E-Reserve or online



All students should plan to attend class regularly and be prepared to discuss the assigned readings. You should come to class ready to work with your peers in a productive and supportive manner. Ask questions. Be curious.


In order to do this, you must attend class regularly, complete assignments on time, and engage with the material. You will be allowed three absences, but if you must miss a class, you are responsible for obtaining the relevant notes and information from your classmates. If you are absent more than three times your final grade will drop one level (if you have a B, it will become a B-).


All written assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day assigned.  Extensions will be granted only if they have been requested in advance of the due date.  Essays must be printed, using a standard typeface and margins.  Email submissions are not acceptable.



Reading must be done in advance of class.  Any changes in due dates will be announced in class; if changes are substantial, I will provide a new reading schedule.



Your work in this class will be evaluated according to the content and style of written work and the level of participation in class discussions. 


Your final grade will be determined as follows:

Participation = 20%

Recitation and Translation = 10%

Wiki = 10%

Free Writing = 10%

Short Paper = 20 %

MARBL Project = 30%



“For over half a century, academic integrity has been maintained on the Emory Campus through the student initiated and regulated Honor Code.


Every student who applies to and is accepted by Emory College, as a condition of acceptance, agrees to abide by the provisions of the Honor Code so long as he or she remains a student at Emory College. By his or her continued attendance at Emory College, a student reaffirms his or her pledge to adhere to the provisions of the Honor Code.” (Excerpt from Emory University Honor Code)


Plagiarism is a serious offense and will be treated as such by both the College and myself. While we will sometimes draw on other people’s work in our discussions and papers, there is a fundamental difference between referring to those sources and documenting them appropriately, and representing them as your own.  If you have any questions on how to properly document material, please contact me. 


Office hours

These hours (M 2-4:30 and by appointment) are your opportunity to meet individually with me to discuss the readings, written assignments, class presentation, or other concerns about the course.  Please feel free to come often.  If your schedule conflicts with office hours, I am also available by appointment. 


Extra Poems


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